A 26-year-old British woman currently living in Tenerife on the Canary Islands recently found herself in an extremely peculiar situation as a dead baby turtle was discovered inside her vagina.
The woman claimed to be completely unaware of the animal’s presence inside her when she appeared in the emergency room complaining of sharp abdominal pains.
The source of the pain was discovered to be the turtle’s body, which had caused an infection inside the woman’s vagina.
A police investigation was triggered, and as it turned out, the woman does not recall much of a previous night which she spent out partying with fellow British expats.
The pain inside her abdominal area developed over the course of the next few days, finally prompting her to go to the hospital when it became too unbearable.
However, in a strange turn of events, the woman claims that she does not want anyone to be investigated or prosecuted over the incident, and police have stopped their ongoing investigation until they are able to make more progress.
A source close to the case told The Sun: “We are not actively investigating this matter because the woman declined to give a statement.”
The story is already going viral on the Internet, with many suspecting that there could be something more to it than what is being alleged by the woman herself, although it would be impossible to prove anything without an official investigation.
The woman has additionally requested anonymity, something quite understandable in a situation as sensitive as this.
Also unsurprisingly, some animal activist groups have raised their voices over the situation, although it is not clear who their anger could be directed towards at the moment, given the lack of any real suspects.
This mystery is puzzling to many, and some people are having a hard time wrapping their heads around what happened.