Daniele Watts says she was detained by Los Angeles Police Department officers for being black and in love. Will Kim Kardashian and Kanye West be detained too? Django Unchained actress Daniele Watts was handcuffed and injured by LAPD members who thought she was a prostitute. Daniele Watts’ crime consisted of kissing her white boyfriend Brian James Lucas in public.
Daniele Watts explained on her Facebook page that on September 11th, while out an about in Studio City, California with her boyfriend, she was detained by cops who thought she was a criminal or a hooker for kissing a white man.
A citizen with too much time on their hands called the officers from the LAPD after spotting the interracial couple sharing a kiss.
The Caucasian man in question was Watts’ longtime partner and celebrity chef Brian James Lucas. The African-American star was interviewed by members of the Los Angeles Police Department who asked her for an ID and when she refused, they handcuffed and interrogated her.
The cops accidentally cut Watts’ wrist while placing it in the handcuffs. Miss Daniele Watts explained:
“Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place.”
Brian James Lucas shared pictures of two Los Angeles Police Department officers quizzing Watts who was in tears. Lucas gave his account of the events:
“From the questions that he asked me as D was already on her phone with her dad, I could tell that whoever called on us (including the officers), saw a tatted RAWKer white boy and a hot bootie shorted black girl and thought we were a HO (prostitute) & a TRICK (client).So they handcuffed her and threw her roughly into the back of the cop car until they could figure out who she was. In the process of handcuffing her, they cut her wrist, which was truly NOT COOL!!! Of course, they had to let her go eventually cuz we weren’t a threat to anyone.”
The Los Angeles Police Department has not commented on the matter. Many have taken to social networking sites to encourage the pair to sue the LAPD for racially profiling them.
Some are wondering will Kanye West end up in jail for kissing Kim Kardashian in public? On the other side of the spectrum, few have stated that Watts should have given her ID when the cops asked. This might have prevented the situation from escalating.
Sadly he just wanted her to try to escape so he could beat the sh** outta her or have her resist so he could shoot her.
I’m sorry these two were wrongly detained, but the police received a call and had to act upon it. He didn’t recognize the two…I don’t know them either…and it wasn’t unreasonable for him to ask for her ID so he could show that he did his job as required, and let her go. But she had to get her racism cap on and refuse on some hokey excuse about being American. I’m as American as she is, and I’d have no problem showing my ID to help the officer in his job. What if the next time the officer gets a similar call it IS someone plying their illegal trade, he just lets the “ho” and “trick” go because they might be someone. Whatever happened to just helping others with the job they’re tasked to do? Her boyfriend was quoted in another article I read as to how once the officer realized they were “celebrities”, he backed off. How many times has Hugh Grant been busted with a paid sex worker? In my book he’s more of a celebrity than these two. But hey, with a handful of disrespect for an officer doing his job and a big whining show, these two got an incredible amount of free publicity.
It’s hard to believe things like that happening in this day and age.
She is a hot mess. The police were called, the officer was doing his job and asked her for her identification. Period. Her boyfriend showed his identification. If she had complied, there would be no story. Stop making out the cops to be bad. She is in the wrong.
If he was kissing a white girl the police wouldn’t have been called. So much hate against black folk still. You shouldn’t be detained because you’re black and minding your own business. Wow if a black-man was with a white-girl at the same location he would have been shot dead.Booty & Penis envy is a Mutha….ha..ha..ha..
Mike your ignorant and a racist. Get an education, respect and obey authority and you will be treated like everyone else period!