The Dallas airport gay slur story has gone viral after a drunk attack on a gay man was caught on video. A drunk man verbally and physically attacked another traveler at a Texas airport because he thought that he was gay. Several bystanders jumped on the intoxicated individual, who was later arrested.
A Dallas airport drunk attack of a homosexual man is making headlines. On Thursday, October 23, travelers at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, were appalled by what they saw and many of them took action to stop it.
A man dressed in a pink shirt and black jacket was checking his luggage when a drunk man standing few steps behind, started insulting him. The intoxicated man yelled few homophobic and gay slurs at the man. The drunk man said:
When another traveler asked the drunk man, why was he so angry and why was he troubling the man, he replied by saying:
“Queers!. That’s what I’m upset about. This faggot right here.”
The drunk individual continued to verbally abuse the man in the pink shirt, and when he tried to respond, he was brutally attacked. The intoxicated male, slapped and kicked the man in his private area.
He jumped on him, beat and punched him while he was on the floor. Few bystanders who witnessed the Dallas airport drunk attack decided to take action. One man sporting a cowboy hat could be heard saying:
“No way! No way, you motherfucker. You ain’t doin’ that fucking shit, motherfucker.”
The man with a cowboy hat jumped on the drunk attacker, and pinned him to the floor, Texas style, until police arrived and arrested him. Many people who have seen the Dallas airport drunk attack video are hoping the authorities will treat this incident as a hate crime.
Few others are puzzled by the fact the cops took so long to react. Everyone heard the drunk man insulting and threatening the man with the pink shirt, why did the police wait for him to be physically attacked to take action?
What are your thoughts on the Dallas airport gay slur incident?
Why did it take so long for the police to act? Really? Texas has had “manhood” troubles ever since the “Steers & Queers” line came out in “An Officer and a Gentleman.” Drunks are okay, though. Or, perhaps they couldn’t find their latex gloves. Who knows? It is just obvious, though, huh?
The drunk had a right to his opinion, it was the part where he got physical that went to far!
If he was sober, he may have not said or done anything! It sounds like the boy can’t handle his liquor!
You have a right to an opinion. Your rights end where another’s begins. We all have the right not to have slurs and insults shouted at us. That is a crime. A misdemeanor, but still a crime. The physicality is going to get him an assault and drunk and disorderly charge. He’ll be missing out on a lot of jobs in his future with that criminal record (altho I’d bet he already has one).
Sorry, but you’re wrong Honeycomb. Shouting insults and slurs at someone isn’t a crime, but (imo) in some cases it should be. Freedom of speech?
What about the assault part of assault and battery?
The quote in Officers and Gentleman regarding “Steers and Queers” is describing Oklahoma, not Texas. There are many Texans who do NOT believe the things the drunk were saying/doing. We have many problems in Texas and I am often embarrassed by some of the things I’ve seen on television describing Texas…But today I take pride in the man with the cowboy hat. As for the delay in response time of the police…that’s another matter.
I have lived in Texas all my life, was in basic training in 1977 and fellow recruits made remarks about “steers & queers”. “An Officer and a gentleman” came out in 1982.
I stand corrected…(SMILE)..of course let’s not get started on gays and the military…LOL This is the same military that once believed Blacks should NOT be allowed to serve. Fascinating..who makes up this stuff?
What a punk. He slaps and kicks a guy in the nuts. And he calls pink shirt guy a fag? What a douche
I am SO proud of those several men who jumped the drunk guy. The big Texan with the cowboy hat, and my Lord…I think that man in a wheelchair jumped out of his chair to stop the beating! Angels. Their wives are very lucky.
Clearly a hate crime. If he was yelling racist statements and physically attacking a black person no one would hesitate labeling it a hate crime. Same thing. You’re born with your race predetermined and you’re born of your sexual orientation predetermined. Everyone deserves equal treatment!
your sexual orientation is not predetermined its a fu*king choice!
Really Brimstone! Sexual orientation is a choice? Maybe you should start getting out from under that rock you live under and get a bit of education ….
Brimstone, Apparently you went to school with the homophobic sociopath in the video? I’ll bet you were cheering him on.
Love Django’s response! I’m getting a visual of Brimstone as we read/type!!
Everyone is entitled to their belief regarding sexual orientation. I personally believe it is NOT a choice….but whether or not you get to choose NO ONE DESERVES TO BE ATTACKED FOR IT!!! Grow up
True. There are many theories that it’s genetic, but they aren’t widely accepted. The Gay community wishes it was more widely accepted but it won’t be.
Seriously Brimstone… You’re Sick! You need to get a grip of reality. Even if being gay was a choice, NO ONE has the right to beat another human being for their his/her sexuality. Same way no one has the right to beat you up to make you see the light… you moronic prejudiced ‘lil b*tch! Grow Up!
With that comment, I’m going to assume you are male. So then I guess it’s safe to assume you have homosexual thoughts too? You find yourself attracted to other men? Is this why you are acting hostile? You afraid your friends might find out you think they are hot? Maybe your neighbor?
After all, being gay is a choice so that means everyone has those sexual thoughts and attractions for the same gender but choose the opposite gender to be attracted to. By that logic, people choose to be straight and people choose what type (blonde, brunette, skinny, fat, etc.) of person they are attracted to as well. Got a foot fetish (or any fetish)? I guess that’s a choice as well, you choose to be turned on by feet.
I can tell you, I have an attraction to certain types of men and guess what. I didn’t wake up one day and say to myself “Self, you find that big hairy man attractive even though most people say it’s wrong. You are going to be attracted to the same sex even though people will shame you, hurt you, insult you, hate you, hit you, attack you, call you sinner and tell you that you are going to burn in hell and quite possibly some may try to kill you, if you tell them you are attracted to certain men. I choose to be attracted to them anyways.”
I don’t care what science or anyone else has to say, it is not something I chose. The only choice I have in the matter is if I act upon it or not. And if I do act upon it with another consenting adult who likes the same gender, then what does it matter to you or anyone else for that matter.
One of us has clearly made a choice though and that is you choosing to be ignorant.
@fishface very nicely put, and just sayin’ I’m a big hairy man. 😉
@brimstone I truly feel sorry for you and even sorrier for anyone that you have a relationship with, and if you ever have kids I hope you see the light before trying to lead kids down the path that you were lead down.
See that is something you are taught: HATRED! Unfortunately you start learning it from the day you are born. So your hatred either comes from your father/family or like fish said the anger and hatred is at yourself because you can not accept who or what your desires are. I could go on but I really don’t think anyone wants to read a book. Please get some help! Even if it is just talking to a priest or someone you trust and look up to, outside your family or inside.
Just get some help!
And for those who say it isn’t a crime to shout slurs, etc., be careful because in certain instances you can still be charged with Slander.
I thought the gentle man in the pink shirt was handling it great he was smiling at the dumbass and laughing at him, until he went off. And I think that is why the police hadn’t stepped in yet, I mean it wasn’t 3 seconds before the police were there so…
To say it is a choice is to say “GOD” is WRONG !!!!!
I remember when I made my choice. I was 14 years old and like every other guy, I remember really liking the idea of making out with guys and how much I loved penis. On the other hand I loved breasts and women and vaginas too. I thought on this for a few days, just like everyone else did at a point in their life. Finally after weighing the pros and cons of penis vs. vagina I made a choice to be straight. OR NOT ! YOU MORON ! IF YOU EVER HAD TO MAKE A CHOICE, GUESS WHAT, YOU ARE GAY OR BI. If you believe you had to choose to be straight, then you should really contemplate your own sexuality. I don’t remember choosing to be straight. My god. The lack of intelligence in our world is shocking. Go back to freaking out about Ebola and Honey Boo Boo getting cancelled.
Really Brimstone? It’s a choice? So at what age did you decide you were Heterosexual? If it is a choice you must have clearly made it at some time? Tell us all when that was?
So is ignorance
Well said. If it had’ve been a Black Man different story, but the police still took too long to react. Physical attacks should not have occurred, especially at an airport.
Hahaa, Im sorry but peoples own sexually orientation is not a choice, science proven fact people are most likely born being gay by the early ages of 1 and 2 .. So talk smack when you have ever had experience with your weak slur !! @brimstone
This is nothing. I’ve witnessed a homo ran away from two people trying to set him on fire in New Orleans. A buddy of mine saw another homo beaten in Bronx, NY. So the verdict is that no matter what the homo society believes, the general consensus is that homo lifestyle is not as accepted as what the media has been portraying it to be.
” the general consensus is that homo lifestyle is not as accepted as what the media has been portraying it to be.”
Neither is the red-neck-holier-than-thou-white-trash lifestyle as acceptable as what the fundamentalists portray it to be, butthead
I’m sorry, but it’s not clear as to how the witness to the abuse in New Orleans and the Bronx feels regarding the issue….Is he saying the abuse is still going on even though the media portrays a more tolerant society and we should hope for change OR is he against such actions and thinks it should be stopped?
Ofcource this is AMERICA , You dumb drunk and by AMERICA and us citizens living in AMERICA, Have the right to be who we are !!! Its not like being GAY is Illegal dumb low life !! Like its 2014 get it through your head !! Gays and lesbians are every where and here too stay (: !! he obviously has no life ! -_-
I’m proud to be a Texan! Hooray for the man in the Cowboy Hat. His response to the idiot’s verbal and physical attack on the gay individual (checking in his luggage) truly reflects the real feelings of many Texans. No one should have to endure such an attack and to take a stand against such action is nothing short of heroism. I only wish I could thank him personally!
It might be a “Hate Crime”? I think they need to review that definition…I think a picture of the attack should appear next to HATE CRIME in the dictionary! It’s not like the guy wasn’t stating why he was attacking the man…Can’t believe there’s even a question on whether or not it was a hate crime.
A TSA Representative walked right by this altercation before it became an altercation. As did another airport officer.What are their jobs? This guy should never have gotten to the ticket line. He was drunk and disorderly when he walked into the building. One last thought- I have several pink shirts and love to wear them- as I have orange and bright green does that make me anything?- Maybe a pumpkin or a leprechaun. When your drunk anything goes- the problem is that when you are in this state it allows the deep rooted emotions to escape. This guy has a life of hate ahead of him.
It’s a texan that stopped the drunken idiot and the cops were right there after words. Hate crime? Well the dude admitted to hitting the guy in his mouth like he was some kind of second class citizen so yeah, hate crime. I feel bad for the guy who had to deal with that drunk dude’s assault. No one deserve’s that, no matter who who are.
LOL 4:03 officer puts on the gloves. Time for the strip search LOL
Another usual day on Old Lone Star Conservative state.
I don’t believe the homosexual lifestyle is the right way to live. In fact I think it is wrong and definitely not normal. But I don’t think anyone has the right to violently attack someone because they find them to be offensive. Or because they don’t agree with their beliefs or the way they live. Besides, our culture and society has been promoting and propagating sexual immorality since the early ’60s through all media outlets and our education system as well as passing laws to legalize many forms of perversion through the corruption of many elected officials by people like Alfred Kinsey and Howard Hughes and other communist sympathizers. The internet is the worst media outlet of all. Allowing easy access for everyone to exposure to every form of, even the most extremely vile kinds of sexual perversion and obscenities. It’s no wonder we have so many sex crimes in America, as well as broken relationships and lonely single and divorced people. People who are so confused they actually believe they were born the wrong gender. It is really sad if you think about it.
I don’t believe the homosexual lifestyle is the right way to live. In fact I think it is wrong and definitely not normal. But I don’t think anyone has the right to violently attack someone because they find them to be offensive. Or because they don’t agree with their beliefs or the way they live. Besides, our culture and society has been promoting and propagating sexual immorality since the early ’60s through all media outlets and our education system as well as passing laws to legalize many forms of perversion through the corruption of many elected officials by people like Alfred Kinsey and Howard Hughes and other communist sympathizers. The internet is the worst media outlet of all. Allowing easy access for everyone to exposure to every form of, even the most extremely vile kinds of sexual perversion and obscenities. It’s no wonder we have so many sex crimes in America, as well as broken relationships and lonely single and divorced people. People who are so confused they actually believe they were born the wrong gender. It is really sad if you think about it.
The police did not intervene until the drunk actually attacked because Texas has no equal rights law protecting homosexuals from verbal abuse. The police did intervene when the drunk physically attacked the passenger, since there is a law against assault. Every state needs a law extending equal rights to all of its residents. [There is a law against boarding an airplane drunk, but there is no law against being drunk in the airport–as long as he didn’t drive himself there while already drunk.]