Funeral for a gay man, has been canceled in Florida and some are calling the decision offensive. Church cancels funeral for gay man because members complained, story creates a backlash. Florida church abruptly cancels funeral of a gay man named Julion Evans-Capers, 24 hours before the service after pastor T.W. Jenkins was flooded with phone calls from his parishioners, saying it is blasphemous to have the service in the house of God.
Church pastor cancels funeral for gay man whom he had christened as a baby.
On July 25th, just 24 hours before the funeral service of Julion Evans-Capers, his loved ones received a very unpleasant phone call.
T. W. Jenkins, the pastor of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Tampa, Florida phoned in to say that he could no longer perform the funeral service.
Capers’ mother, Julie Atwood and his partner of 17 years and husband of one year Kendall Capers were at the wake when they received the cancellation news.
Kendall who married Julion in Maryland in 2013, said that he would have understood if New Hope Missionary Baptist Church had refused to have the home going celebration the day he had requested it, but the last minute cancellation felt like an insult.
The widower slammed Jenkins saying that his move was very disrespectful towards the man who was christened in the church.
Atwood who lost her son after battling a rare illness called Amyloidosis for 4 years, had some harsh words for the man of God.
The mother who has been a member of the church all of her life said she was devastated and felt like her child was being “denied the dignity of death.”
The family rapidly moved the funeral to another location, but many people ended up at the church and missed saying good bye to Capers.
Contacted by the media the good old man of faith explained that he was pressured to annul the service by his followers.
Several church members contacted him after they learned that the deceased, was married to another man.
The angry Christians said it would be blasphemy to have a funeral for a homosexual man in the house of the Lord.