Chris Christie asked National Guard head Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael L. Cunniff to shed few pounds, and of course, the story has gone viral. The New Jersey governor, who has been struggling with his own weight issues, has given Mr. Cunniff three months to meet the Pentagon’s weight guidelines.
Chris Christie asked New Jersey’s National Guard, Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael L. Cunniff to shape up or else.
The 55th Governor of New Jersey has made some eyebrow-raising comments in the past including telling a voter to mind her own business, asking another to shut up, telling a reporter “Are you stupid?,” and now he is telling the head of the National Guard, Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael L. Cunniff “you are fat.”
Many are wondering, how can Christie who once weighed more than 320 pounds tell someone else to stop eating? The answer, he did it face to face. According to local media, in 2014, the former U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey discovered for the past three years Cunniff had been avoiding physical-fitness tests.
Mr. Christie also found out that Cunniff’s weight had ballooned, he secretly met with him and demanded that he start living a healthier lifestyle. The tough-talking candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election, who is having a tough time in the polls, gave Cunniff 90 days to slim down and meet the Pentagon’s standards or face the possibility of being dismissed from his post.
The Air Force pilot’s last fitness test occurred in 2013, and his waist size measured 43.5 inches, over 39 inches is not acceptable, according to the Pentagon’s weight guidelines. Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts revealed:
“The Governor has expressed directly to the General that his failure to meet that standard or to provide notification of his formal reprimand is both unacceptable and disappointing.”
The leader of the National Guard issued a statement explaining that he is taking the matter seriously and is working hard to get fit. Cunniff confessed:
“Many people struggle with weight control — I am not immune from this. However, I do recognize that military members and leaders, like myself, are held to a higher standard. I take this matter seriously and am taking the necessary steps to remedy this issue.”
In February 2013, Christie had Lap-Band surgery ahead of the announcement of his run for the White House. Since then, it is claimed that Chris Christie may have lost over 100 pounds. He revealed at the time that it was the best decision he ever took and added:
“It’s the best thing that I’ve ever done for my health. And I look back on it now and wish I’d done it years ago. Let me put it to you this way: My cardiologist has donated to my federal PAC, so that probably should tell you everything you need to know.”
Christie also denied that he was slimming down because he had plans to enter his first presidential race, he revealed that he was doing it for his family and because he feared illnesses like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease that are associated with being obese. The politician said:
“My decisions about anything to do with my career are based upon what I think is best for me and best for my family.Whatever size I happen to be when I have to make a decision about what to do next in my career, I doubt that’ll play any role or effect in what I decide to do.”