A 4-year-old child found near Cook County forest is said to be doing well, according to Illinois authorities. In a statement issued by the Illinois Department of Children and Family, the 4-year-old girl named Aliyah was rescued by three motorists who saw her crying and waving for help.
A child found near Cook County forest in Illinois was rushed to a local hospital and is said to be in good health. The unnamed child was taken by the Illinois Department of Children and Family and is now living with her relatives.
In a statement issued by Cook County sheriff’s office spokeswoman Cara Smith, it was revealed that on Tuesday evening, three people stopped their cars to help the little girl.
One motorist explained that the girl was crying and waving for motorists to stop as she walked near a busy and dangerous intersection in Prospect Heights.
Several people, who spotted the child wandering along Milwaukee Avenue on the edge of the Allison Woods Forest Preserve in Prospect Heights, had called 911. According to Smith, the little child knew her first name but not her last name. She was not able to tell authorities the names of her parents.
However, the child was able to confirm that she was abandoned by her parents in Cook County forest sometime on Tuesday afternoon. Smith explained:
“She knew her first name, but not her last. Nor did she know her parents’ names. She was far away from any place she was familiar with.”
Smith added that the sheriff’s office issued a media alert Tuesday night, and the young girl’s family rapidly contacted them and took her home.
An investigation into the matter has led to the arrest of the father of the child in another state. The mother is also expected to be charged with child neglect and abandonment.
Andrew Flach, the spokesperson for the Illinois Department of Children, said it is the first time they are looking into the family. A family member who revealed that the child’s name is Aliyah said:
“She is doing OK.She is not hurt.”
What are your thoughts on the child found in Cook County forest?
A sad reflection of our throw away society.
let me tell you something I teared up because YES she could have died and thank God she did not so its hard for me to say this but the fact is SHE IS ALIVE they did not dismember her etc and so on just don’t know if they left her there why could they not also just leave her with other relatives or a safer place like hospital or another very safer public place where she would have gone up to a more so helper I mean not at a forest or at a pool hall or at who knows where so I CRIED because she is alive they did not kill her charges should be severe though. Thanks to all the rescuers for stopping.
Must be in the water Americans drink
This happens everywhere, and you know that.
Prophecies must be fulfilled and it’s good to know we are living in the end times. The child did nothing but try to love her parents and learn from them. The material piling up drives a lot of individuals to end up with a decision like this. Why will a Mother after 9-months; agree with the Father to abandoned a child in all the places forest preserve area in Prospect Heights. Human being don’t behave like that but Human kind is another story. Wake up people from years and years of deep sleep.
She did not learn much from her parents if she did not know her own last name or their first names. My kids new that basic info by age two. Neglected emotionally and intellectually. Glad she is ok. A predator could have picked her up and raped, killed and dismembered her.
it breaks my heart that good people like my husband cant have kids, we dont have the right college degree or amount of money in the bank to adopt, yet knuckleheads like these people get to breed like rabbits.
i can buy a baby, but i cant adopt one in need! which is why things like this happen.
this is they type of morals this country is handing to the children!
Poor baby, to be abandoned by the ones who she trusts the most. I sincerely hope that the parents get the extreme end of the punishment spectrum. They should be neutered so that they never can reproduce, and do this to another child.
Who cares? Toss the wetback back over the border. And its “family”.
Your attitude toward a precious child is as disturbing as what these parents did. Who cares? Those who have a heart and soul!
He/she is trolling. Ignore. Besides, the girl is not latina, but trolls don’t notice these things. They see dark skin, and react with their inbred racism.