Casey Anthony’s alleged first interview with NBC has not been confirmed by the network. Anthony, who was found not guilty in the murder trial of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, is reportedly hoping to receive an impressive amount of money for a forthcoming interview.
Casey Anthony‘s first interview might not be happening after all. Last week, the Internet was buzzing after America’s Most Hated Woman, Casey Anthony, was spotted on a first-class flight with Don Wood, a reality show producer, who works for NBC in Florida.
Anthony was later seen arriving at JFK International Airport with Wood and going in a limo together. It has been confirmed that NBC News’ top booker, Matt Zimmerman, did sit down with Casey Anthony.
Zimmerman had plans to either have Anthony on Today or NBC News show. It is rumored that Casey Anthony, who filed for bankruptcy last year and currently works as a housekeeper for one of her attorneys, demanded a huge check for the exclusive interview.
However, when contacted by the media, an NBC executive said:
“There are no plans to do an interview or anything else with Casey Anthony.”
The NBC interview would have marked the first time Casey Anthony has spoken publicly since leaving Americans baffled and angry by getting acquitted in June 2011 of first-degree murder, manslaughter and aggravated child abuse charges.
Anthony, who was a die-hard party girl, was accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony. Little Caylee had been missing for weeks, when her maternal grandparents – George and Cindy Anthony – finally called the authorities to report it.
In early December 2008, Caylee’s remains were found in a wooded area near the family home, and experts revealed that the front of the skull and the mouth of the skull had been duct-taped.
Medical examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia, who testified during the six-week trial, said that she determined Caylee’s manner of death to be a homicide, but listed it as “death by undetermined means.”
Garavaglia, who believed that the mother may have used chloroform to kill her child, said:
“The physical evidence present on the remains, as all the available information on the way they were found and what I had been told by the authorities, before arriving at my determination. We know by our observations that it’s a red flag when a child has not been reported to authorities with injury, there’s foul play. There is no child that should have duct tape on [the lower part of] its face when it dies.”
Casey Anthony’s lawyer, Jose Baez, claimed that the child had drowned accidentally in the family’s swimming pool on June 16, 2008 and that her grandfather, George Anthony, buried the body.
Baez told jurors that his client lied because she feared her father would sexually abuse her again. When the not guilty verdict fell, the country was shocked and saddened by the fact that the judiciary system failed a toddler with an evil mother.
Charming, curvaceous Casey Anthony is articulate and adorable. Can’t wait to watch her exciting interview.
Love is very dangerous…..
SO YOUR KID IS DEAD you’re free some weird energy surrounds you and you act like a rock star. Your kid is dead did you hear me. The light is out the little being the wonderful light given by the ever loving is gone. Time to understand and awaken to this. Stop and feel this. Imagine the times of precious and love. Where did it go? Responsibility of the precious one and given by the ever loving is a gift to guide and show and believe in. Wow!! Do you feel her? Smell her? Remember her?