Car explodes after lightning hits it during a wild police chase and the video goes viral. A clip that was posted on YouTube under the title, “Car explodes Lightning hit robbers in Russia during police chase,” has received thousands of views and has many wondering, is it all a hoax?
On Friday, a video with the unusual title, “Car explodes Lightning hit robbers in Russia during police chase,” was uploaded on YouTube by World News TV.
Within a matter of hours, it received thousands of views, and hundreds of comments. While few find the clip amazing, many are questioning its authenticity.
According to Examiner and several other media outlets, and the description posted under the clip, it shows a wild police chase that occurred in Russia earlier this month.
It is claimed that Russian police were chasing a group of thieves, who took several items from a church in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, on December 9th.
The dash cam footage revealed that as the police officers were chasing the vehicle under the pouring rain, it exploded, sending debris all over the road.
Some say by lighting, while other say it is because it was struck by another car due to the bad weather. It is believed that the masked robbers were killed in the explosion.
World News TV captioned the “Car explodes Lightning hit robbers in Russia” video:
“A group of masked men robbed a church in St.Petersburg and led police on a high speed chase last Tuesday. The pursuit was cut short however, when a bolt of lightning destroyed the car and killed all the passengers inside. According to police reports another car was also damaged after hitting the ruined getaway vehicle.”
As stated above, a handful of commentators, say that the car was struck by lighting, and the thieves died as a result of the electrical bolt.
These people say that God is the one who killed them for robbing a church. The robbers are very unlucky, according to NWS Storm Data, the chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime is one in 12,000 and only 10% of those die, mainly of heart attack or brain injury.
Others claimed that the “Car explodes Lightning hit robbers in Russia” video is fake, and is just another hoax to get pageviews. What say you?
Figures that Kim would get out of her car and give hugs after hitting another driver thinking a hug from her will solve everything. Instead she should twerk on him for a while until she rubs him raw. LOL Sorry Kim, that won’t work either, especially if the guy isn’t some kind of perv…,that this kind of crap doesn’t turns him on OMG!!