Caitlyn Jenner is about to legally become a woman and is mocked by South Park. While Jenner wants to be recognized as a female, she has apparently refused to undergo gender reassignment surgery.
According to reports, Caitlyn Jenner has officially filed documents in a Los Angeles courthouse to legally become a woman, but that does not mean she will undergo gender reassignment surgery anytime soon.
A source close to Jenner spoke to TMZ and revealed that that this week, Jenner took the steps to legally change her name from Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner and be recognized as a woman on all of her government-issued documents.
The former Keeping Up With The Kardashians star is also asking a judge in the Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles to keep her personal information sealed because she has received several death threats. The publication wrote:
Caitlyn is asking for an official name change as well as a gender change. Sources connected to Caitlyn tell us, she filed a declaration saying she’s received a lot of support but not everyone is happy with her … she’s received threats of physical harm and she’s scared if she has to give up personal info such as medical history, it will escalate. Caitlyn is asking the judge to keep the private information sealed, but as for gender and name change, it’s full steam ahead.
The news of the name and gender change comes on the heels of the rumors that Caitlyn Jenner had decided to remove her penis. It was claimed by the tabloids that Jenner was ready to go under the knife and remove her male parts. One report read:
“It’s Official… Caitlyn Jenner CUT OFF HER EGGPLANT… And We’ve Got The PICS To Prove It!! (WELP… There’s No Turning Back… NOW). Caitlyn Jenner made it OFFICIAL… she’s NO LONGER A MAN. She had been going through HER TRANSITION for some time now… and she recently did the FINAL STEP. Look carefully… ain’t nothing AT ALL there.”
However, this story has been denied by Gossip Cop, which explained that Jenner has no plans whatsoever to have gender reassignment surgery.
In related Caitlyn Jenner news, she was the main joke on the Season 19 premiere of Comedy Central’s hit series, South Park. In the episode called “Stunning and Brave,” the town was forced into political correctness after new principal PC Principal took over the elementary school. Mr. PC gave Kyle detention after he was heard saying:
“I don’t think Caitlyn Jenner is a hero.”
To which PC replied:
“This kind of transphobic and bigoted hate speech isn’t going to fly here, bro. I thought we were all on board that Caitlyn Jenner is an amazing beautiful woman who had the exquisite bravery of a beautiful butterfly flying against the wind.”
Kyle went on to reveal that he supports Jenner’s transition, but he never liked Bruce Jenner as a person when he was on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The character shared:
“And I don’t suddenly like him now, I mean her.”
Moreover, by the end of the episode Kyle lied to everyone and said that Jenner is a hero when deep inside he thinks otherwise.
First and foremost if Bruce Jenner wants to “pretend” to be a girl and dress like a girl and change his name to a girls name..that is fine by me, but, Bruce Jenner is not a girl! He is a guy with a penis dressing up like a girl and had plastic surgery so he could look like a girl. If he truly wants to be a girl than he needs to go the extra mile. No, he should not be able to be classified as a woman. There are some depraved individuals in this world (no, not Bruce/Caitlyn necessarily). Their are rapists and pedophiles and creeps out their that would not be above putting on makeup, wearing padded bras and hanging out in women’s restrooms. Unless they are willing to “go all the way” and become female…no….they should not be classified as such. I do not see Bruce Jenner as a hero but as a strong minded person who is chosing to be portrayed the way he wants but sadly that should not give him the right, in itself, to be classified as a female.
Well said… Have the surgery if you want the gender change…. Until then he is just a guy in drag while I think it is okay to do the name change before the surgery bc people can change their name … He needs a vagina to be female even if it is one created for him
The focus on “what’s between the legs” is obscene. GRS is a very invasive set of procedures, and there are a plethora of medical reasons why someone might choose to not undergo one or more of them, including other health conditions, age, and others, including personal choice.
Being transgender is not a pretence, nor is it a choice. It’s a matter of fact, much like other biological processes and conditions. How one chooses to treat it is really the only part that is a “choice”. And just as with any other medical condition, it should be personal and confidential, and only divulged by the individuals themselves.
It’s unfortunate that Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t get to have that basic courtesy.