Bruce Jenner comes out as a conservative Republican transgender woman, and celebrity reactions have mostly been positive. Jenner, 65, has dropped two major bombshells during his interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC.
Bruce Jenner comes out as a woman, and celebrity reactions pour on the Internet to show support and love. In an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, watched by almost 17 million people, Bruce Jenner confirmed the rumor that had been flying around for months now – he is transitioning to a woman.
Jenner revealed this was his last interview as a man and, therefore, wanted to be identified as he or him. Here are some the most interesting things that Bruce Jenner revealed.
Jenner said that he is a Republican and, therefore, is not a big fan of President Obama. However, he is happy that Obama is the first president to mention the word transgender in a State Of The Union. He said:
“I would certainly give him credit for that.But not to get political.I’ve never been a big fan, I’m kind of more on the conservative side.Yeah! Is that a bad thing? I believe in the constitution.”
He revealed that Kanye West helped Kim Kardashian understand and accept his decision. The father of 10 said:
“He says to Kim, ‘Look, I can be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am…but I’m nothing if I can’t be me. If I can’t be true to myself.’…And since then, Kimberly has by far been the most accepting and the easiest to talk to about it.”
Jenner said that Khloé Kardashian is the one having the toughest time accepting the changes. He confessed:
“She’s very emotional. She’s had the toughest time with it. Because she’s had a lot of losses in her life. She lost her father at a young age. He died suddenly, cancer. You know, Lamar [Odom] had his issues.”
He revealed that he started wearing his mother’s clothes at eight. In the 1980s, he started the process and even had breasts, but stopped everything after meeting Kris Jenner. He is not in a rush to have surgery and is not sure if he will like men or women in the future.
Many celebrities took to social media to tell the former Olympian that they support his journey and to thank him for putting the spotlight on the transgender community.
Actress Laverne Cox, who is a transgender woman, shared:
“Sending lots of love and support to #BruceJenner and their family tonight. It is always brave to stand in one’s truth. Congrats darling.”
Rob Lowe told Bruce Jenner that he was very proud of him:
“I was proud of Bruce Jenner in Montreal and I’m proud of him tonight. Some have to fight more than the rest of us for their happiness.”
Ellen Lee DeGeneres, who shocked the world when she announced that she was lesbian, applauded Jenner:
“Bruce Jenner is a beautiful, brave human being. Sending him lots of love. He’s saving lives and opening minds tonight.”
Robert Kardashian, who rarely tweets, called his stepfather a role model:
“You have always been a role model to me and now more than ever, I look up to you. LOVE YOU !! !!”
Miley Cyrus had nothing but love for Jenner:
Lady Gaga, who has been a strong supporter of the LGBT community, tweeted:
“#BruceJennerABC Now that is bravery. We have the chance to write this moment in history together. Let’s empower people like Bruce all over the world by being loving & not mean.”
Kim Kardashian shared a picture of herself with Jenner and said that she is a proud daughter.
“Love is the courage to live the truest, best version of yourself. Bruce is love. I love you Bruce. #ProudDaughter.”
Jimmy Fallon compared Bruce Jenner’s announcement to Neil Armstrong‘s moon landing. The TV host said:
“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. #BruceJenner #Brave.”
Former CNN host Larry King added:
“I’ve interviewed #BruceJenner many times, and I’m in his corner. I support him & offer my respect.”
Kylie Jenner posted a confusing message, and she was rapidly blasted for it.
Understandingly, this has been very hard for me. You will hear what I have to say when I'm ready to but…
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) April 25, 2015
Few hours later, Miss Jenner slammed the haters who misunderstood her words:
“I don’t have the time for people who bring and create so much negativity in their life. I can only pray for them !There’s bigger things than that!!! Spread love! We are all battling something.”
Andi Cohen called Jenner brave and strong:
“Mazel Tov to #BruceJenner – very very brave!!!”
Elton John said that he now admires Mr. Jenner:
“It’s an incredibly brave thing to do, especially when you’re older. I admire him for doing it and I support him 100 percent.”
Kendall Jenner shared a touching photo worth a thousand words.
Dr. Phil McGraw, who previously said that Jenner is too old for the medical procedures, which will transform him into a woman, changed his tune by writing:
“I am so happy for him. This is his body and his life, and he needs to do what he wants to do. It drains your spirit if you can’t be yourself. He is freeing himself.”
Lena Dunham said that she hopes society will accept the reality star for who he is:
“I think it’s an incredibly powerful and brave move to disclose anything about your gender identity or sexuality in such a judgmental society. The interview is going to mean a lot to a lot of young people.”
Patricia Arquette shared:
“You have to be so brave to live this truth of who you are. And if Mrs. Jenner is transitioning, I give all my support to her and love and appreciate everything she’s given to America. She’s fighting a fight for a lot of kids that are being kicked out of their own homes. Society turns their back on these kids and it’s really brutal.”
Whoopi Goldberg said:
“This is going to be a little bit of a game changer for people, and dealing with family and how people feel and having those conversations, this is going to be much bigger than ABC or Diane (Sawyer).”
Donald Trump, who is not sure Jenner is happy with himself, shared:
“It’s very sad because he doesn’t seem very happy, and maybe whatever he’s going to be doing will make him happy. If he’s happy, I’m happy.”
Wendy Williams slammed Bruce Jenner who will allegedly change his name to Belinda:
“I feel duped by Bruce… I don’t feel duped because he’s turning into a woman. I feel duped because he’s the same fame whore as the rest of the family. Bruce has bigger fish to fry than turning into Belinda. He should have thought about [transitioning] before he had all the kids… Belinda, shame on you!”
Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband Kris Humphries shared a controversial tweet:
“Man, I’m glad I got out when I did. #Gottadoyou.”
The basketball player later apologized:
“I have and always will support Bruce hence #Gottadoyou. Now recognize I was too vague and sincerely apologize for the way this came across.”
What are your thoughts on Bruce Jenner’s coming out?
bruce, the he/she is my all time hero. hope the twins are bigger.
Do you really think any politician or actor is going to say what they really think then you are really gullible. All he did was mutilate his penis and now he is “famous” for it? Give me a break.
Waited to long,what about the woman he was married too,if I WAS MARRIED AND HAD CHILDREN WITH HIM I WOULD FEEL DUPED.He gives his kids no choice but to understand him.Crossdress ok but gender change ,be thankful for what God gave you.Then he may date men later hes not sure,He can afford great counceling,you can see hes ,not telling everything.More important stuff to help this world with and to focus on,hes 65,go to church.
only person that is going to date this ol’ he/she is someone desperate for $s. as for myself, I wouldn’t give he/she the time of day for a $.