Brock Lesnar takes heat for ending The Undertaker winning streak at WrestleMania. In a new interview, while talking about the Brock Lesnar Undertaker match, Dave Bautista (Batista) gave a glimpse of the heat that exists backstage between the WWE exectuives and the wrestlers. Batista slammed the managers of the World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. for having a young wrestler as Lesnar beat an iconic star like The Undertaker.
Batista brought out the heat when he was asked to share his thoughts, on the infamous match between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXX.
Wrestling fans have the date April 6, 2014 engraved in their memories, as the day the impossible happened: The Undertaker’s
21-year winning streak at WrestleMania ended by Brock Lesnar.
WWE supporters knew that one day Mark William Calaway aka The Undertaker would retire, but no one predicted that it would be a fresh face fighter that would send him to his grave.
Many were upset after the match and apparently Batista was not thrilled either.
The Animal sat down with the The Huffington Post to promote his new movie Guardian of the Galaxy and took the opportunity to share his thoughts on Lesnar breaking The Undertaker’ record 21 straight victories.
Dave Bautista said what a majority of people watching the event thought, it sucked and it was the wrong way for the legendary fighter to go out, he explained:
“It sucked! Honestly, I thought it sucked. I haven’t really talked much about it but I think it was a bad decision, a horrible decision. I don’t have any say in the matter but to me, watching as a fan, it made me sick.”
The movie star went on to add that the management really mishandled Taker’s match by writing Lesnar out the following day:
“Brock Lesnar beating him didn’t seem to work and it really wasn’t good that Brock left the day after. I just don’t see how that made sense at all. I don’t think anyone wanted to see the streak broken and it just didn’t make sense to me.”
Batista has a habit of blasting his employers, in 2005 he called some of their decisions stupid, but do not expect his harsh words to get him in trouble.
After promoting the Guardian of the Galaxy, the professional wrestler is expected to return to the WWE in early fall.
Brock Lesnar is also taking heat backstage over his position in the WWE and overall demeanor. The other professionals believe that he should be more involved and not only show up for the big main events.
What the critics need to understand, as long Lesnar is good for business, he will be able to do things as he sees fit.
As if anybody cares? Since it’s all staged, who really gives a rip?
However, Batista was great in “Guardians”–there will be many sequels & prequels, so he can write his own ticket!!
So they are upset that the supposed fight, which was rigged, wasn’t rigged to give the proper result?? Good thing I outgrew pro wrestling at about age 12.
Again. Here we go with the it’s rigged or fake stuff. NO SHIT. It seems they were commenting on the decision to have him get beat at all. As in WWE made a mistake with writing it in. Brock Lesner would kill him if they actually fought. That should seem pretty obvious.
It my be fake buts its entertainment! say you watch Seinfeld and they let Seinfeld get killed, and Kramer is the star you wouldn’t like the show anymore. Its just tradition fake or not…
I loved it!!! Not a wrestling person, but did like the Undertaker. But was happy the WWE did this, after the Undertaker lost, my son who watched everything to my dismay, quit watching!!! 🙂
Well that doesn’t make sense why Batista would get mad, I mean, the wrestler with the better skill won the match right? I mean, it is not as if the match was scripted or anything, right????
How idiotic.
Because Batista wasn’t given the option of ending the streak (@WM 23) & neither was Shawn Michaels (who is twice the technical wrestler Brock ever was). Having Lesnar end the streak was nothing more than a cheap shock gimmick-period! It put no future WWE stars over. Having a Roman Reigns end The Streak would’ve made more sense than this pile of BS the WWE pulled.
Michaels was half the size of Lesnar and WM23 was far too early.
Brock broke HBK’s arm like it was a Razor Ramon toothpick; so much for the technical wrestler vs the beast incarnate.
I agree 1000% with Batista, the decision for, of ALL people, Brock part time Lesnar (a man who lost both to Eddie Guerro & John Cena-no disrespect intended) to end The Streak was completely & totally ASININE! Talk about ruining the undertaker’s Legacy with piss-poor decision making!
Btw, To all the imbeciles out there with their “astute” observations that wrestling is fake (pssssstt..so is 98% of what you see on tv & at the movies & I’d even argue most of the news too)just stop.
What’s next- These same brainacs telling us water is wet?
Thanks for already contradicting yourself in that second paragraph.
yes while it is fake, that was a bad why for the wwe to end one of it’s most liked actors career , he should have lost to one of the shows star old timers who career was going down the tubes like flair or triple h
First off, Flair is too old, he was good in his day, but those days are long behind him, no disrespect to the Nature Boy, although I never liked his bad guy persona, he was a hell of an actor and made the some of the sport seem plausible. Secondly, Triple H? Are you kidding, after the back to back WM’s where they had it out and Triple H actually got hurt doing it, he is in no position either. Would have been more respectable to have someone like John Cena or Batista do it to lend credibility to their careers, Shawn Michaels on the other hand, is past his PRIME too, I think he would be more suited in a role as a GM of RAW or Smack Down.
What the heck. All these guys are me members of the screen actors guild
aren’t they