It is not rare that we hear stories about a future bride being pushed over the top by the stress and chaos of planning for her wedding, but some of the stories that come out from the wedding world tend to stand out particularly well.
A woman recently became the subject of online ridicule after her tirade made its way to various social media sites and received numerous comments.
According to the bride’s post, she was disappointed at the fact that only 9 out of the 150 guests invited to her wedding had agreed to pay the $3,000 price for their attendance.
What is more, after she “generously” agreed to relocate the wedding to Hawaii (from its initial destination in Thailand), lowering the price to $2,000 per person, the number of RSVPs dropped down to 7.
She went on to threaten everyone who did not respond with being deleted from her Facebook and uninvited from her wedding.
She added that she was also considering simply eloping and ignoring everyone else in her life, further fueling the dramatic fire of her post.
Among the many comments criticizing the bride, some were more focused on her groom, expressing their disappointment that he was about to marry someone like that.
However, in the end, we know nothing about the nature of their relationship or his personality, so it is entirely possible that it is actually a match made in heaven.
In any case, less than ten people from their friends’ list are interested enough in finding out so far.
After her initial rant, the bridezilla updated her post by saying that the groom did not appreciate what she did the first time.
She was a bit disappointed not to get any support from her future husband.
Some commenters are wondering if her actions will not create tensions in the marriage.