A boy fights two armed robbers, and the story makes headlines. The 7-year-old child saw two masked robbers enter a GameStop store and hold the clerks at gunpoint and instead of hiding, he fought with the criminals.
A young boy fights two armed robbers and is now being hailed a hero. At around 9 PM on May 20th, two masked and very dangerous looking males entered a GameStop store located in Silver Spring, Maryland.
One of the criminals demanded that three customers, including the 7-year-old boy, stand against the wall behind the counter and not to move. The second thief walked behind the counter with a weapon in his hand and ordered the two clerks to the floor while he stole a lump of cash and personal property.
Instead of obeying the thief’s order, the little boy, whose identity has not been revealed, punched the robber in the chest several times and even tried to kick him. The child fought off the bad guy all while holding tightly to the stuffed Yoshi toy from the Mario Brothers game he and his parents were set to purchase from the store before the scary incident.
The Montgomery County Police Department has issued a statement saying that no one was hurt during the incident, but the criminals got away with the loot. The authorities said:
“No arrests have been made, but we are searching for suspects who are two black males in their 20s, both of whom are approximately 5’6″ tall weight 170 pounds. They were wearing black, hooded sweatshirts, black trousers, gloves, and masks.”
On Friday, the Montgomery County Police Department also released a video and photographs of the masked suspects and asked the public for help. The boy’s father, who did not realize what his son had done until after the robbery was over, spoke to local media saying his instincts took over. The boy’s parents, who didn’t want to be identified, revealed:
“It was scary. You’re never prepared for something like that. You’re not. So, you don’t wish it on your worst enemy. We were just huddled up together, um you know, saying silent prayers and, you know, just hoping that it would end.”
Where was the father when this happened? How are you not aware of what is going on with your kid during a robbery?