Boy drives toy on NYC parkway and is rescued by kindhearted motorists. An autistic boy in his cousin’s care, drives on a busy Bronx River Parkway in NYC with his battery-powered ATV toy prompting three strangers, to form a shield around him with their vehicles as a fourth one ran and grabbed him. The 6-year-old who was not aware of the danger around him and his toy were returned to his parents who had been desperately searching for him.
A boy drives his toy on NYC parkway and good Samaritans come to the rescue.
Monday at around 7:30 PM motorists, on the Bronx River Parkway, New York were shocked to see a child in the midst of the vehicles driving a blue and grey ATV.
Three quick thinking drivers formed a slow moving shield around the kid as a fourth person got out their car and rapidly removed him from the dangerous road.
The strangers immediately called 911 to report the incident.
Westchester County police spokesman Kieran O’Leary, contacted the child’s family who had reported his missing at 7 PM.
The boy’s mom explained that her 6-year-old, who was diagnosed with autism was unaware that his was in danger or that he was lost.
According to the mother who did not want to reveal her name to the media, her family was strolling at Mount Vernon park, which is walking distance from the parkway when her son took off in his battery-powered toy car.
The lady said it happened very fast.
With the help of her nephew she searched around the park and walked around the block frantically looking for her boy, before going to the police.
She was at the police headquarters asking for help to find her little boy when several 911 calls came in about a kid on the parkway.
The little fellow who had the ride of his life was taken to a nearby hospital where doctors said he was not hurt.
The boy and his precious ATV were driven home by one officer.
Poor lil guy, ill bet he thought that was SO MUCH FUN! No idea that he could have been hurt/maimed/killed, he was just having fun in his own lil world ….THANK GOD for the good samaratins, to respond with such quick thinking antics and the guy who actually grabbed him (BLESS YOU)! May you ALL be Blessed 10 fold, as im sure that you are all parents and can truly empathize with this family!
Feel good story of the day, we really need more good news stories!