A boy chained with a dead chicken around his neck and covered with animal feces was rescued from his caretakers in November 2013. The incident took place in North Carolina, and today, the 13-year-old is speaking for the first time. The boy, whose name has not been revealed, told AP that he is upset that Dorian Harper and Wanda Larson got away too easily.
In November of 2013, the story of a little boy, who was found chained with a dead chicken around his neck made headlines. The child was found on the front porch of a home in Charlotte, North Carolina chained to a chair, and the chicken was placed around his neck as a form of punishment for killing it.
Police, who were in the area after a 911 call was made about a loose animal, immediately arrested Dorian Harper, who was the boy’s guardian and a Department of Social Services supervisor in Union County.
Harper’s wife, Wanda Larson, was also taken by the police. When the authorities entered the home, they found four other children, ages 7 to 14, who had been adopted by Larson and Harper.
The house was covered in bugs, animal feces, and urine. During the investigation, the boy revealed that he was constantly abused by the social services worker.
Harper once cut the child’s face with a knife, chained him to his room, burned his face with an electric wire and he broke his wrist trying to escape. In his first interview, the boy said that he was living in fear. He revealed:
“I was scared to death, I thought I wouldn’t survive.”
According to AP, in April, Larson was released from prison just nine days after pleading guilty to child abuse charges. She was originally sentenced to 17 months behind bars, but was given credit for time served and now lives just a few miles away from her victim and his mother.
As for Harper, he entered a plea to three felonies, including child abuse, assault with a deadly weapon and maiming without malice and is serving ten years behind bars. So, why was this poor child living with such monsters in the first place? Court documents revealed:
He was put in foster care a decade ago after problems arose at the home of an aunt where he had been staying while his mother was moving from another state, and he ended up with Larson. When the boy’s mother found out he was in foster care, she tried to get him back. But Larson said the boy had developed a bond with her family and he stayed with her. Eventually she became his legal guardian.
The boy’s mother, who did not wish to reveal her identity, said that he goes to therapy twice a week, but still has nightmares about his former guardian.