Boy, 12, stabs boy, 9, on a playground for no reason. 12-year-old boy by the name of Jamarion Lawhorn stabs a 9-year-old boy named Conner Verkerke, in the back after asking him if they could play together. After the playground stabbing, the 12-year-old boy calls the police, reveals that he had killed a 9-year-old boy and asks that they arrest him. The 12-year-old boy said he stabbed the 9-year-old boy because he was on medication and felt that his family hated him.
Boy, 12, stabs boy, 9, after befriending him.
According to several witnesses on Monday night, a 12-year-old boy by the name of Jamarion Lawhorn walked to the playground located next to the Pinebrook Village mobile home park in Kentwood, Michigan and asked a 9-year-old boy named Conner Verkerke, his brother and two friends if they all could partake in an activity together.
The group played for several minutes and for no apparent reason, Lawhorn pulled a knife from his back pocket and plunged it into Verkerke’s back.
Despite the pain and agony, the 9-year-old child who was bleeding heavily ran back to his home and collapsed on his mother’s porch.
The mother was seen by neighbors sitting in the grass screaming for help which prompted several 911 calls.
Conner was rushed to a hospital in Grand Rapids where he died moments later.
After the brutal stabbing, Jamarion walked up to a stranger’s home near the playground and asked to borrow his cell phone.
The child surprisingly called the police, told them that he had killed Conner and asked them to come and arrest him.
Glen Stacy, the man who let the the young killer into his home to use the phone, told the police that he believed that the boy just wanted to call his mother to come pick him up after playing with his friends.
But he rapidly understood it was turn to himself in for a horrible crime he had just committed.
Stacy told authorities that the attacker was calm and was eager to go to get arrested.
As he waited for the cops, Lawhorn shared his life story with Stacy and explained that he had swallowed numerous pills that day and felt that his family did not love him.
The pre-teen also confessed that he wanted to die and that is the reason why he murdered his playmate whom he had never met before.
When police arrived on the scene they went directly to Verkerke’s home, which angered Jamarion.
The child became very agitated and shouted “hey, you are going to the wrong house, I am here, come get me instead.”
As the police officers ignored him, he stretched out his two hands and added “come and arrest me.”
The 9-year-old was taken to a hospital where he underwent a psychological evaluation before being thrown in the Kent County Juvenile Detention Center.
Lawhorn made his first court appearance on Tuesday where he pleaded not guilty to the murder.
His attorneys has asked for a new mental evaluation to determine if he is competent to stand trial (if medical experts conclude that the minor boy is incompetent to stand trial he will serve a very short jail sentence which is what the attorneys representing the teens in the Slenderman case are currently working on).
Jamarion Lawhorn will face the judge on August 13.
Obviously, no one proofread that article before publishing it. I saw at least three errors in it. The lives of two boys are over. One is dead, and the other will probably be locked up for years for murder–depending on whether he’s charged as an adult or a juvenile. He knew committing murder was wrong and did it hoping the police would kill him. Of course, that could also indicate that maybe he’s not competent.