Photo of Bethenny Frankel in her daughter’s clothes goes viral and drama ensues. Just moments ago, Bethenny Frankel shared a picture of herself wearing her daughter Bryn’s Hello Kitty clothes. Frankel posted the pic as joke, but she is being blasted for being too skinny. The question on everybody’s mind how can a 43-year-old woman fit into her 4-year-old daughter’s pajamas?
Bethenny Frankel, 43, fits in her 4-year-old daughter’s clothes? The answer is yes.
On Sunday morning, Soiree Sans Hors D’oeuvres actress Bethenny Frankel took to Instagram where she shared a rather unusual picture where she can be seen wearing her 4-year-old daughter Bryn Hello Kitty pajamas.
Again keep in mind that Bryn is 4 and Bethenny Frankel is 4 with a 3 behind as in 43.
The star of “Bethenny Ever After” found a way to squeeze into the tiny top which features a giant Hello Kitty design and includes pink and white hearts.
The former “Skating with the Stars” contestants also found a way to wear her child’s tiny green shorts.
Bethenny Frankel finished the look with Hello Kitty slippers (are those Frankel’s slippers because Bryn’s feet can not be that big.)
The talk show host who was having fun sharing clothes with her kid captioned the photo:
“This is my daughter’s nightgown and PJ shorts. Think we’re ready to start sharing clothes yet?”
The photo of Bethenny Frankel in her daughter’s clothes has gone viral with thousands of likes on social networking sites.
The snapshot has received hundreds of comments and they are very negative.
One person said that Bethenny Frankel is anorexic and needs to get help.
A commentator claimed that what she did was disturbing and will hurt her daughter’s self-esteem.
Another slammed her by saying that no normal mom would have done that and she is selfish to behave in that matter.
What say you?