A Berkeley hospitality ambassador beats a homeless man, and the disturbing incident is caught on camera. According to the CEO of the organization, the hospitality ambassador for the Downtown Berkeley Association, has been fired after claiming that he punched the homeless man in self-defense.
A Berkeley hospitality ambassador punches a homeless man, and the story makes headlines. On March 20, two hospitality ambassadors for the Downtown Berkeley Association, were caught on camera having a violent altercation with two homeless men behind a CVS Pharmacy in Berkeley, California.
The Downtown Berkeley Association (DBA) hospitality male ambassador had a heated exchange with one transit after he stepped on the man’s bag and coat. The transit screamed at the hospitality ambassador saying:
“Get out of my face, you’re standing on my mother f*cking stuff, get off my property.”
The Downtown Berkeley Association worker repeatedly told the homeless man to back off. However, things rapidly got out of control after the homeless man allegedly spit on the hospitality ambassador’s face.
As a female hospitality ambassador filmed on with her phone, her male co-worker threw the homeless individual to the ground and punched him several times in the face and the stomach.
Another homeless man believed to be the victim’s brother attacked the worker with a broomstick, which had a knife attached to it. The brother chased the workers away for a brief moment, but they later returned and another altercation took place.
After ordering the homeless man to leave the area, the Berkeley hospitality ambassador pinned him against the wall by the throat. The Downtown Berkeley Association staff member warned the homeless man that he would be arrested for assault.
Out of fear, the homeless duo packed their tents, dog, bike and left. The video was posted on the internet and quickly went viral, which prompted John Caner CEO of the Downtown Berkeley Association to issue a statement, which contained an apology and an explanation.
He revealed that the male employee has been fired, while the female, who witnessed the assault and failed to report it, has been suspended. Caner said that he was saddened by what he saw and added:
“We are shocked by this totally unacceptable egregious behavior, that runs completely contrary to the extensive training, protocols, and mission of hospitality and outreach of our ambassadors.”
The chief executive of the nonprofit went on the say:
“As CEO of the Downtown Berkeley Association, I want to personally, and on the behalf of the DBA board and staff, apologize to the victim of this beating, and the entire Berkeley community.”
According to Caner, the Berkeley hospitality ambassador did report the incident to the police the same day and stated that he hit the homeless man in order to defend himself. However, after seeing the video, he concluded otherwise. He explained:
“This report did not represent the extent and severity of the altercation.”
The homeless man, who was assaulted, was arrested by police on suspicion of assault and making criminal threats based on a report filed by the two Berkeley hospitality ambassadors.
According to the Downtown Berkeley website, “an ambassador staff will also act as eyes and ears for public safety and social service partners by educating, assisting, and reporting on various needs and problems.”
Many, who have seen the video are torn; some say the homeless man disrespected the Berkeley hospitality ambassador. While other say, Wayne, the Berkeley hospitality ambassador, behaved like a thug.
What are your thoughts on the Berkeley hospitality ambassador’s fight with the homeless man?
I think the Berkeley “Hospitality” officer should be arrested for assault and for filing a false police report. He filed a report that got the homeless men arrested. He lied. He started the altercation, he escalated the altercation and he was threw the only punches in the altercation. He continued to beat a man who he had knocked to the ground. Then he aggressively went after the other man. “Hospitality Officers”-what a joke. I didn’t know Berkeley advocates violence against the homeless. I didn’t know Berkeley advocates harassment of the citizenry by those in positions of authority. I didn’t know a non-profit organization could put its own police force on the streets. I’m just glad I AM NEVER COMING TO BERKELY.
As they say, two wrongs do not make a right, but I do feel that the Berkley Ambassors did aggravate the situation and the male one did throw the first punches.
It doesn’t matter what words were said. The Berkeley hospitality ambassador had no business putting his hands on that man or his brother. He should of called the police if there was an issue. He needs to be fired and she does too for not trying to stop it or at least report it.
WTF is a “hospitality ambassador” supposed to be? Other than some sort of off the books jackbooted thug that is.
The ambassador was standing on the homeless man’s possessions. He should have apologized and stepped back. Why would an ambassador provoke the homeless person? The homeless person’s mouth is foul and he was out of control also. I feel anyone working in this position needs more training and understands if someone is disturbed to report that to the proper authorities.
what a disgrace to the city of Berkeley if they doo not prosecute this ambassador for assault and battery. the ambassador was clearly in the wrong.
It is plain to see what kind of hospitality is being offered. A beating , thuggery , bullying , trespass , false report, . These two green shirted animals should be arrested on a felony charge
words don’t injure a person I worked sequrity at a homeless shelter had to take a lot of verbal assaults like this but never reacted like this