Axelle Despiegelaere, the Belgium World Cup fan who became a model and joined L’Oreal was fired over a picture she posted on Facebook over a week ago. Axelle Despiegelaere is discovering that when it comes to the internet the saying you “live by the sword, die by the sword” totally applies. Translation, it can bring you fame with one click or send you back where you came from in an instant.
The 2014 FIFA World Cup just like the ones before had a lot of beautiful women supporting their national soccer teams but none of them became a star as fast as 17-year-old Belgian beauty Axelle Despiegelaere.
Axelle Despiegelaere’s popularity rose so fast during the competition that L’Oreal thought it was a good idea to offer her a modeling deal. Despiegelaere is beautiful no doubt, but L’Oreal was mostly capitalizing on her viral appeal. In other words, Axelle Despiegelaere’s face could reach new territories that traditional models could not reach.
The young teen was obviously thrilled by her sudden fame, what she did not know is that an old Facebook posting would come back to haunt her. Axelle Despiegelaere who seems to be a big fan of hunting shared a photo online taken over a year ago where she can be seen sitting next to a dead gazelle that she had killed.
The image is not animal friendly and PETA would probably not approve it but the PR disaster did not stop there for the young lady who decided to use the following caption:
“Hunting is not a matter of life or death. It’s much more important than that.. this was about 1 year ago… ready to hunt Americans today haha.”
The caption was posted on July 1 which is the day the U.S. soccer team took on its Belgium counterpart in the Round 16 of the World Cup.
To Axelle Despiegelaere’s defense she was probably being an overzealous fan but you can’t talk about hunting Americans and have a modeling contract with a huge brand like L’Oreal. Dark humor is rarely good for business, Axelle Despiegelaere has just found this out.
You should not cry for the beautiful young Belgian, her father is a rich investor and she is worth over $10 million.
They did the right thing, That is to get rid of her before she started. Anyone who purposely will kill a helpless animal will most likely hurt a sm. child.That animal didn’t hurt her, she did the hurting. ME
Shut up!!!!
You should not reproduce, stupid like yours is dangerous for everyone around you.. PS if you are a Vegan or whatever, then you must also disagree with evolution, since meat is required by humans to reach its current state.
So what she fu**ing hunts, what’s with all the equality and equal rights bull sh*t…!! instead of tearing her down for hunting, you should be building her up she is a strong independent women.. Isn’t that what you’ll were going for with all of this equal right’s bull!?!??? If not than take your ass back to the 40’s where you belong…
This had nothing to do with equal rights, or being a “strong independent” person. It’s not your decision. Deal with it
I’m American, I don’t see what the problem is. It’s just a game and she was just having fun. What the fuck is this world coming to? Let girls be girls!