A 17-year-old by the name of Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna is celebrating the fact that she was accepted to all eight Ivy League colleges. Miss Uwamanzu-Nna, a brilliant student with a GPA score of 101.6., has also been accepted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and New York University.
Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna, a teenager from Long Island, New York, has a very tough choice in front of her – which university to attend in the fall?
Uwamanzu-Nna is among a very short list of students, who had the great privilege of being accepted by not one, or two Ivy League colleges, but by all eight of them. Moreover, she is wanted by another long list of prestigious schools including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and New York University.
Uwamanzu-Nna’s accomplishments have traveled all the way to Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama, and this week, they invited her to Washington to take part in the White House Science Fair. What are those accomplishments?
The valedictorian from Elmont High School has a GPA of 101.6., and will take 13 Advanced Placement courses by the time she graduates. She was an Intel finalist for research on cement that could keep underwater oil rigs from breaking apart. A member of several honor societies, she has received numerous awards from New York science and engineering competitions. Talking to local media, she revealed why she is so ambitious, by saying that her Nigerian roots drive her, and added:
“Though I was born here in American, I visited Nigeria many times. And I’ve seen that my cousins don’t have the same opportunities that I have. So definitely, whatever I do, I want to make sure that it has an impact on Nigeria.”
Her advice to other students, be tenacious, persistent, and do not accept rejections. She revealed:
“As a high schooler, what really explains my recent accomplishment is finding something I am passionate about…and not being afraid of stepping outside of my comfort zone.”
Uwamanzu-Nna will visit all of the colleges before taking her decision. Believe it or not, Uwamanzu-Nna is not the first student from Elmont High School to get accepted to every Ivy League school, last year, Harold Ekeh made headlines for doing just that.