The death of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain shook the world, and many are still commenting on the event actively.
However, while there is an overall worried tone surrounding discussions about Bourdain’s girlfriend, Asia Argento, it seems like there is no clear indication of her feelings at the moment.
The actress recently shared a post on Instagram with a conflicting message — the line “I’m a f*ing mess inside” was crossed out, and “I’m fine” was written below it.
Some saw this as a sign from the actress to her fans that she is indeed doing okay after the incident, while others seem to see subtler messages in the statement.
And of course, without an official comment from Argento herself, we will not honestly know what she is going through right now.
Some have tried to reach out to the actress but to no avail. In the end, though, a person going through a situation like her own must be given enough time to collect themselves before they are ready to speak out properly, her supporters argue.
The wound is still fresh, and it will likely take some time for Argento, as well as others, to start opening up about how the death of Bourdain has truly affected them.
Hopefully, this will create an opportunity for some healthy discussion on suicide and its impact on our modern society. It is no secret that a large number of people keep taking their own lives every year, and not just celebrities, but very little attention is being paid to this issue.
Argento is in a very odd situation regarding what happened to the man who was mostly known in recent years for his work on CNN’s Parts Unknown.
Bourdain fans looking for ways to understand and process what happened to their favorite chef have blamed the Italian actress for what has happened.