Photographer Rino Barillari, who is responsible for the snaps of Asia Argento and French reporter Hugo Clément, said he is feeling remorseful that he took the photos and later sold them to the Italian magazine Chi.
Barillari’s pictures had been on the Internet for less than a week before Argento’s romantic partner, Anthony Bourdain, took his own life on June 8.
Mr. Barillari, 73, managed to photograph the 42-year-old actress and Clément while the two of them were dancing after enjoying an evening meal at Ristorante Camponeschi.
According to Barillari’s words, when Argento noticed him, she asked him to stop taking pictures and delete the ones he had made so far.
The paparazzo explained that he is deeply regretting his act and if he had known what would happen, he would have never taken the picture. He also added that if this was what triggered Bourdain’s suicide, he would suffer very much.
The 28-year-old Clément was the one who went with Argento when she made her memorable appearance at the Cannes Film Festival in May and talked about the sexual assault she suffered at the hands of Harvey Weinstein at the same place, back in 1997.
Furthermore, Clément and Argento were photographed by Agostino Fabio, while the two of them were snuggling around in Rome.
Access to the picture was later restricted when news about the tragic death of Bourdain broke out.
On Monday, Rose McGowan, who is a close friend of Argento, opened up and talked about the relationship between the Italian actress and the deceased culinary chef.
McGowan claimed that the two of them were not dating so strictly and their romance was a “free relationship.”
Bourdain and Argento were last seen together during an event in New York in April.
The former host of Parts Unknown had battled depression for a big part of his life.