Apples are children’s favorite fruit, according to a new study. Researchers from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics have discovered that apples and apple juice account for 30 percent of all fruit consumed by American kids and young adults. It is not known if the finding is positive or not.
A new study has discovered that apples and apple juice are considered as American children’s favorite fruit. On September 21, a survey from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics was published in the journal Pediatrics that showed after studying the food habits of more than 3,000 children/teenagers, aged 2 to 19 years, between 2011 and 2012, they learned that apples account for 20 percent of all fruit consumed. The result showed that the same amount of boys and girls said they favored apples.
Poor and rich kids eat the same amount of fruits. However, African-Americans drink more juice while Asians eat whole fruits. There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples worldwide, but the most common in America are Red and Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji and Gala. The experts did not reveal what kind of apple children love to snack on.
When apple juice is taken into account, it represents 30 percent of fruit intake. The 3,000 children listed apples, followed by bananas and melons.
While it is good to consume fruits to be healthy, to fight countless illnesses such as cancer and diabetes, the study does not say if it is positive or not that children and teenagers prefer apples and apple juice. The study’s author, Kirsten Herrick, a senior service fellow with the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, revealed:
“Apples and apple juice alone account for 30 percent of total fruit intake. They’re a good fruit option, but there are a rainbow of fruits to consider that offer a variety of different minerals and vitamins.”
Herrick also found out that only 40 percent of the children and teens she surveyed met the Department of Agriculture’s recommendations for one to two cups of fruit a day.
Bonnie Braun, a nutrition specialist and professor emerita at the University of Maryland School of Public Health, said the study will help policymakers, parents and nutrition educators know the specific types of fruit kids eat and added:
“Scientists and nutritionists seem to have consensus around one key message: Eat a variety of fruits in multiple colors.Their second key message is: The more whole fruits, the better.”
Braun concluded by advising parents to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables themselves to influence and motivate their children to do the same.