An Anthony Gulledge cheesecake drama has gone viral. A man in Memphis, Tennessee by the name of Anthony Gulledge, has been arrested and charged with neglect, aggravated child abuse, and domestic assault after he severely beat a 3-year-old child who made the horrible mistake of eating the last piece of cheesecake. The little boy, who was attacked by Gulledge on two occasions, is still in the hospital in critical condition. Anthony Gulledge’s longtime girlfriend and the child’s mother, Katrina Johnson, was charged with aggravated child abuse on Monday.
The Anthony Gulledge cheesecake obsession story is making headlines for all the wrong reasons. On Saturday, January 10th, 2015, Anthony Gulledge returned to his home in Memphis, Tennessee, eager to eat a slice of cheesecake he left in the fridge.
Gulledge shared the home with his girlfriend, Katrina Johnson, and her young son. Anthony Gulledge and Johnson have been together for more than 10 years, but he is not the father of the 3-year-old boy.
Talking to local authorities, Anthony Gulledge’s girlfriend explained that he was very angry when he discovered that the cheesecake was gone, and immediately blamed the toddler.
According to Johnson, on Saturday afternoon, Gulledge dragged the boy by his ankles and whipped him with a belt. On Saturday night, Gulledge decided to beat the child again over the missing cheesecake.
The two horrific beatings left the boy with numerous injuries, including a dislocated vertebrae, broken femur, and bruised lungs.
The unnamed child now has numerous scars all over his body. Johnson, who some say deserves “The Mother Of The Year” award, was present during the two brutal attacks on her young son and never intervened.
Johnson waited until the next day to bring her boy to Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital in Tennessee, where he is said to be in critical condition. Katrina Johnson, who was either afraid or was protecting Anthony Gulledge, called the authorities and reported the horrific crime the following day.
On Sunday morning, Anthony Gulledge was arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse, neglect, and domestic assault. The cheesecake lover denied the claims.
Anthony Gulledge, 30, is currently being held in Shelby County Jail on $200,000 bond. Gulledge’s next court date is set for January 23. Public records have shown that Mr Anthony Gulledge is no model citizen.
During the 10-year span the couple has been living at that address, police officers have visited them numerous times for domestic assault.
The 911 calls revealed that Gulledge had a habit of assaulting his live-in-girlfriend. It is alleged that he used to hit the little boy, but the mother failed to report it.
In the past, Gulledge was also arrested for robbery in Arkansas. The Anthony Gulledge cheesecake beating story has angered many people, who are demanding that the mother be thrown in jail for a long time for staying with a man who not only abused her, but also attacked her young child.
One woman, who lives in the same area as Gulledge and Johnson, said what happened is beyond belief. She explained:
“No child deserves that, over a slice of cake. That’s a little nerve racking.”
Angel Scott, who is Johnson’s sister spoke to the Knoxville News-Sentinel, and said that she did not see this coming. According to News Max, Scott stated:
“I just wouldn’t expect him to hurt the baby like that; this baby could have died. I know my sister wouldn’t do anything to hurt her child. She wouldn’t, but I know that she’s afraid of her boyfriend, and that’s the only reason she didn’t try to defend the baby like she wanted to. She’s very afraid of him, I know she is.”
Afraid or not, Katrina Johnson, who will turn 22 on Thursday, January 22, has been charged with aggravated child abuse. Police blamed the mother for failing to report the incident earlier and for not bringing the child to the hospital immediately. Johnson’s bond amount is $75,000 and her next court date is scheduled for Wednesday, January 21.
What say you? Is the mother guilty in this story or another victim?
Yes, she is a victim herself. If the said things mentioned above in the story are true and that they have been dating for 10 years then she was a victim herself starting at 12 years of age. Fear will keep you in your place. It is easy to say what one would do if they were in a situation; but until you are “in” that actual situation you can’t say. We don’t know all of the facts and ins and outs of the story. He could have stopped her from calling by holding her down and the only chance she had was the next day. We don’t know. Obviously fear plays a major roll in this unfortunate event. From the picture she looks mentally and physically fatigued. Hopefully her boyfriend will be imprisoned for many years and she and her son can be set free of that animal and live a life that she and her son deserve; in peace.