Antarctica’s hottest day ever recorded was on Tuesday, March 24, 2015, when the temperature skyrocketed to 63.5°F (17.5°C). A group of Argentinean scientists at the station located in Hope Bay, Trinity Peninsula claimed that Antarctica’s hottest day prior to March 24, was shockingly on March 23rd when the temperature hit 63.3°F (17.4°C).
Antarctica’s hottest day was on Tuesday, according to a group of Latin American scientists. March 24, 2015, the civilians and experts at the Esperanza base, which also includes an Argentinean research station in Hope Bay, Trinity Peninsula experienced temperature that hit 63.5°F (17.5°C), according to Examiner.
Researcher Maximiliano Herrera, who is living on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, made a surprising revelation. According to Mr. Herrera, the previous hottest day in Antarctica was on March 23, 2015, when the temperature climbed to 63.3°F (17.4°C).
The second warmest temperature in Antarctica was recorded by experts working in Argentina’s Marambio Base. Prior to this week’s disturbing heat wave, Antarctica’s hottest day was April 24, 1961 when the mercury shot up to 62.8°F (17.1°C).
It was also recorded at the Esperanza Base, which has been around since 1953 and can hold 55 people. Antarctica’s hottest day since 1961 has many debating climate change. Some say the currently skyrocketing temperatures in Antarctica can not be man-made because there aren’t many humans living on the continent, so it has to be natural.
However, experts may have settled the matter:
“The debate over whether global warming is natural or manmade is an artificial one: scientists know that both factors can affect the planet’s temperature. The real question is which factor is doing the heavy lifting — and a new report in Nature released Wednesday says that on the Antarctic Peninsula, at least, human-generated greenhouse gases have almost certainly been by far the most important driver of warming over the past half-century.”
What’s your take on Antarctica’s hottest day? Is climate change real?
63! This is great news! I will plan a trip there soon.
We all have to do our part to help climate change. Species will be able to move northward, and live in places they never could before. Farming in Canada could feed most of North America. Trees will grow further north and help with the “lungs of the earth” to create oxygen. Humans will need to use less fossil fuels to heat their homes. I drive an older car, burn my own trash, heat my house with firewood, eat meats and dairy, and do anything I can to help global warming happen. Do your part too! Scientists have proven that humans can affect the climate!
Me too, and my flatulence is legendary!
the MAJOR cause of climate change is that glowing ball of hydrogen 93 million miles away, if it wants to act up, there’s not a damn thing we humans can do about it..
Obama will issue an executive order to make it stop that sh*t!
Were Al Gore, John Kerry and Brian Williams there to witness it?
hottest day recorded in the history or recording temps. 150 years at best. a drop in the bucket in the course of human history. absolutely nil in the span of the existence of this planet. for all you idiots out there who aren’t smart enough to realize youre supporting a multi-billion dollar industry that keeps on growing, climate change has another far older phrase connected to it. it’s known as weather patterns. how do you morons think the deserts and lush tropical jungles got there? stupid stupid people. I know how to solve the deficit. just take every cent earned by these morons before they can turn it over to a lying hypocritical scumbag like al gore. here’s an inconvenient truth for you. al gore was a few million dollrs when he ran for and lost the presidency. since his movie chock full of half truths and outright bullshit science, he is now worth close to 1/2 a billion dollars. I wont bother to tell you to do the math because I already know youre incapable of it. the only numbers you can handle are the ones your masters tell you that you can.
Not so very long ago…..
Unbelievable, just 15 months ago!
Where to begin? First, the comments are far more enlightening than this fatuous article. “Antarctica hottest day at 63.3°F brings back climate change debate to forefront.” Nope. Sorry. You forgot to note the hottest day since people have been hanging out there with thermometers. And truly, the climate change debate hasn’t left the “forefront” since a governmental-academic-industrial complex sprang up to milk it. They won’t let it melt away while it’s still got so much profit potential.
One of the tragedies of our time is the *continued* politicization of science. A few hundred years ago, they had an excuse: they didn’t know any better, and the power centers then fought tooth and nail against the threats to their hegemony that science represented.
What’s our excuse now? Well, the constant in the equation is human beings. The battle for power, and its mistress, money, continues unabated. Sadly, the addled hipsters carrying the climate-change doomsday banner are useful tools of those who’ve crafted the *perfect* boogey man for their personal gain and aggrandizement. “Climate change” is the ultimate heads-I-win-tails-you-lose proposition, since our little minds will always perceive decades- or centuries-long trends as permanent fixtures. And the profiteers will be dead before the planet can make a complete mockery of their hysteria.
Get set for another Weekend At Bernie’s resurrection of the climate change hoax, dug up out of it’s box for a spin around the parking lot.
First thing to do is locate this never before heard of Hope Bay, Trinity Peninsula. Google is useless for coordinates. Ditto Bing.
Wikipedia tries to keep the secret by hiding the information behind an external link.
But as luck would have it Hope Bay is a protected historical site. Ed Schackelton took a dump there once so there’s a monument.
The location is 63°24’S 56°59′ W at the very tippy top of what is the Antarctic Peninsula. http://www.ats.aq/devPH/apa/ep_protected_detail.aspx?type=1&id=116&lang=e
That puts it at roughly the same latitude as the High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago UNESCO World Heritage site of Finland.
Why doesn’t Hope Bay have trees and farming like Kvarken?