Anderson Cooper’s Christmas Party has been canceled because of the candle incident. On Monday, Cooper’s team pranked him by having his basil-scented candle on AC360‘s Ridiculist. The host’s sweet smelling revenge came in the form of the cancellation of the Christmas Party that he was having at his home for the staff.
Anderson Cooper‘s Christmas Party for his staff is off, after the stunt they pulled on him on last week, according to Examiner. Cooper was laughing when he announced the cancellation of the Christmas Party, so expect him to still host his staff members at his New York apartment.
On Monday’s segment of AC360‘s Ridiculist, Cooper was fooled by his staff into reading the prompter. The host learned on live television that his team disliked his basil-scented candle.
Upon realizing that he had made it on his own Ridiculist, Anderson Cooper jokingly said:
“Oh, really? This is what The Ridiculist is about tonight?I should have read it ahead of time.”
He went on to ask why didn’t someone just tell him about the candle prior to the show airing? Cooper explained:
“Really?! Some of my coworkers do not like the way my candle smells?. This is cold! And you don’t tell me. You let me read it on a teleprompter. Wow. This is new to me. This is completely news to me.”
The staff composed a hilarious list of what the candle smelled like. Cooper read the list:
“Grandma’s house, old mall, Italian salad, Woodstock vomit, garden gnome’s underwear drawer, dumpster ravioli, Mario Batali’s crocs, herb garden growing in a landfill and a brothel in Tuscany.”
When Cooper learned that Mario Batali‘s crocs had made on the list, he said that was enough and defended the famous chef. On Friday, Anderson Cooper gave an update on the candle prank.
First, he revealed that Batali spoke about the joke on his show, The Chew, and mailed one of his crocs to his staff to prove that it smells nice.
Anderson Cooper also announced that the Christmas Party he was planning for his staff has been cancelled. Watch Anderson Cooper’s Christmas Party cancellation announcement below.
what a baby
why he such a poooosie