Aides abusing Alzheimer’s patient in Florida nursing home, got caught on camera, they are now in jail. At least six employees from the Winter Haven have been filmed tormenting and abusing a 76-year-old non-verbal Alzheimer’s patient. Two of the aides, Yashika Zenobiaha Jones and Rose Dorlean Blaise have been arrested, and are being held without bond.
Aides abusing Alzheimer’s patient have been caught and arrested, thanks to a nanny cam. The abuse of the 76-year-old patient occurred at the Palm Gardens Nursing Home located at 1120 Cypress Gardens Blvd. S.E. in Winter Haven, Florida.
Earlier this month, Dale Wilson, 53, noticed several injuries on his elderly father’s body and when he quizzed the workers of the Palm Gardens Nursing Home, they were clueless.
Mr Wilson’s father is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s and is unable to communicate. Wilson took the decision to secretly install a nanny camera in his father’s room in order to find out, why were there bruises on his arms and legs?
Mr Wilson discovered that on three different occasions – October 7, 16 and 24 – nursing assistants, Yashika Zenobiaha Jones, 28, and Rose Dorlean Blaise, 35, physically abused and tormented his sick father.
On October 7, Jones and another aide by the name of Oreal Motley cared for the victim. Jones rubbed her hand across the Alzheimer’s patient’s face, which disturbed him. The elderly man got upset, which lead to Jones making punching motions towards his face in order to further agitate him.
On October 16, Blaise and another certified nursing assistant, Victoria Anucha, 51, of Davenport were seen transferring the victim from a wheelchair to his bed.
The man became agitated and began flailing his arms. Anucha tried to calm the victim. But Blaise decided to step back, lunging toward the victim and kicking him in the leg. The Alzheimer’s patient can be seen reaching to rub the leg that was hurting him, which prompted Blaise to inflict even more pain to the man.
In the recorded October 24 incident, Jones and Daphnee Louissaint, 21, were seen changing the victim’s clothes. Jones was seen making punching motions with a closed fist towards the patient’s face.
Jones then grabbed the victim’s wrists and forced him to punch himself in the face with his own hands. Jones also prevented him from sitting up. The aide continued abusing the alzheimer’s patient by grabbing his wrist and slapping the victim in the face.
Jones was charged with two counts of battery of an elderly person and Blaise was charged with one count of battery on the elderly. Both were taken into custody and booked into the Polk County Jail and are being held without bond.
A statement from the Palm Gardens nursing home revealed that six employees are now under investigation. Below is a report on the aides abusing Alzheimer’s patient in Florida.
Wheres Sharpton? oh Got my colors wrong, thats white on black not black on white!
Idiotic & lame comment that’s how the racist comments starts.
Nvm that was not an idiotic or lame comment that is the general feeling of america now.Everything is race related and Sharpton is the leader in this field. It seems if you want equal treatment it should apply to everyone not just minorites but Sharpton only calls to light the abuses commited against people of color where is he when people of color commit the abuses. Noone will call “a spade a spade” and hold individuals responsible for their actions anymore; there are bad people in every walk of life and every race it is not just white America abusing people. That is what LJ was trying to convey