Former Jeb Bush advisor Sally Bradshaw leaves the GOP in the wake of Donald Trump’s criticism of Khizr Khan and Ghazala Khan. Bradshaw says she will vote for Hillary Clinton if the election is close in Florida.
Former Jeb Bush adviser Sally Bradshaw leaves the GOP and plans to throw her support behind Hillary Clinton.
Over the weekend, Bradshaw, a longtime supporter of the Bush family and a lifelong Republican did an interview with CNN where she made some surprising comments.
Bradshaw, 50, served as Bush’s campaign manager and chief of staff while he was governor of Florida. Mrs. Bradshaw, a graduate of George Washington University with a political science degree, was an intern at the White House under President Ronald Reagan.
She later worked for George H. W. Bush and eventually became a very close advisor to Jeb Bush. Mrs. Bradshaw told the television network for the sake of her children; she can not vote for Trump.
She went on to reveal that Trump’s ongoing feud with a gold star family helped her make up her mind. For the past few days, Trump has been going back and forth with Khizr Khan and Ghazala Khan, the Muslim parents of a decorated American soldier killed in Iraq.
Bradshaw called Trump a narcissist, a misogynist, and a bigot, who should never be president. She said:
“Donald Trump belittled a woman who gave birth to a son who died fighting for the United States. If anything, that reinforced my decision to become an independent voter.Every family who loses a loved one in service to our country or who has a family member who serves in the military should be honored, regardless of their political views. Vets and their family have more than earned the right to those views. Someone with the temperament to be president would understand and respect that.”
She went on to reveal that if the polls are tight in Florida, she will do something she has never done before, vote for a Democrat. She explained her decision:
“If the race in Florida is close, I will vote for Hillary Clinton.That is a very difficult statement for me to make. I disagree with her on several important issues. I have worked to elect Republicans to national and statewide offices for the last 30 years. I have never voted for a Democrat for president, and I consider myself a conservative, a supporter of limited government, gun rights, free enterprise, equality of opportunity. I am pro-life. There are no other candidates who were serious contenders for the nomination that I would not have supported.”
She concluded by:
“But, we are at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist — a misogynist — a bigot. This is a time when country has to take priority over political parties. Donald Trump cannot be elected president.”
Maybe advisors like that are part of why Jeb did not do so well. George H W Bush worked on Haiti so with Bill Clinton GW Bush called him the 5th Bush brother. I wish everyone cared about the Benghezi Casualties but that’s not convenient.