Adam Horovitz’s love advice to three teen girls has gone viral. Beastie Boy’s Adam Horovitz recently took part in Rookie Mag’s “Ask A Grown Man” series, where he received questions from young girls, who wanted advice about first kiss, feeling insecure and ending a relationship.
Adam Horovitz‘s love advice to three teenagers is making headlines. Earlier this week, like Stephen Colbert, Seth Rogen and Sasheer Zamata, Beastie Boy’s Adam Horovitz was invited to take part in Rookie Mag’s “Ask A Grown Man” series.
Adam Horovitz, aka Ad-Rock, received three questions from teens ranging from first kisses, how to dump a boy and insecurities. The first question came from an anonymous teen who feels scared to share her first kiss.
The teenager claimed that her boyfriend, who has never been kissed either, tried to steal a smooch during a class dance, but out of fear she ran away. Horovitz replied to the young woman by saying, just kiss the boy and get it over with. He explained:
“My advice and opinion, is to go ahead and kiss. Go ahead and do it. I say talk about it, have a quick little conversation… it doesn’t mean you have to have a full-on make-out session or anything else… just a quick kiss. It’s something really special to be really close — just for a moment.”
The second question came from a teenage girl who wanted to know how to break up with her boyfriend. The teenager said that she recently started dating a good friend, but she has now come to the conclusion that she wants to end the romance.
Adam Horovitz’s advice was to tell the teenage boy the truth, if he can’t handle it, come up with a lie, like her parents said no dating at her young age because she needs to focus on school.
Another teen from New York claimed that she was feeling insecure because her boyfriend does not call her often. Horovitz revealed that boys are not observant or smart, so the young woman should just tell him:
“Dude I can’t always be the one initiating contact, you need to come up with a calender or something in order to remember to call me.”
The last request for advice came from a young woman living in Miami Florida. The teenager said:
“Sometimes, I feel insecure like everyone hates, what can I do about it?.”
Adam Horovitz told the teen:
“You are not alone, we all feel like that, when I feel like that I make music. So do things that makes you the happiest. But if you are really a terrible person or a murderer, well I can’t help you.”
What are your thoughts on Adam Horovitz’s love advice?