Seven-year-old turns mom in, after discovering that she had a meth lab. 7-year-old boy from Florida turns his mom in to authorities because he believes that selling and using meth is bad. The mom, Briana Buchanan is now in jail and the seven-year-old child is living with his grandparents.
An unnamed seven-year-old from Edgewater, Florida, turns in his mom for using illegal drugs and for having a meth lab behind her vehicle.
According to local media outlets, the child was living with his mom Briana Buchanan in her boyfriend’s bother’s home.
The kid reported what he saw to his mom’s boyfriend’s brother whom he calls uncle.
The uncle whose name is Peter Arnold, 30, spoke with the media and said that the boy came to him this week and said, “mom is cooking something really bad and I want to show it to you.”
The youngster added that he wanted to share the information with Arnold for a long time, but did not have the courage to do it.
Arnold was lead by the child to Miss Buchanan’s car trunk, where he made a surprising discovery – a portable crystal meth lab.
The “uncle” found chemicals to make methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia such as syringes, hot plates, coffee bottles, Gatorade bottles, muriatic acid, batteries, bongs and foil wrappers in the vehicle.
The man returned to the home located at 1709 Queen Palm with the boy and immediately called Florida police.
According to officers from the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, the child also showed Mr Arnold a huge bag containing meth.
The boy explained that Buchanan had been lying to her loved ones about being sick and telling them, that is, the reason why she needed “the medicine.”
The mother was arrested on Monday and charged with child neglect, possession of a long list of chemicals and possession of paraphernalia.
The young woman was thrown in the Volusia County Branch Jail and is being held on a $32,000 bail.
The drug addict has confessed to cooking and using meth in front of her son.
The kid is now living with his grandparents.
That’s a crazy a$$ story.
Wow , white on white crime just about. Where is the FAUX NEWS cable show guys at complaining about only blacks use or sell drugs ? Sean Hannity , Bill O’really and even that stupid embarrassing to our race rudy giulliani of New York saying negative things ….tisk tisk tsk !!