50 lashes for a Saudi woman who dared to insult the morality police. A Saudi Arabian woman has been sentenced to one month in prison and 50 lashes after two judges found her guilty of cussing at the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.
Proving that “gender apartheid” is very real in Saudi Arabia, this week, an unnamed woman learned that she lost her appeal.
The businesswoman was sentenced by a male judge from the district court in Jeddah to 30 days in prison and 50 lashes for insulting the morality police.
The lady and her attorneys took her case to another male judge at the appeals court in Mecca where to her surprise the harsh sentence was upheld.
So, what crime deserves for a human being to receive 50 lashes in addition of one month in prison?
The woman went against the morality police over the immigration status of some of her staff members.
Few weeks ago, the morality police also known as the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice entered the woman’s café to make sure that she and her employees were following the strict Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam code.
Officers claimed that several of her workers ran because they were breaking the country’s tough immigration rules.
The employer and members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice allegedly got into a screaming match where she cussed at them and called them liars.
The judge from the district court in Jeddah rapidly sided with the police. It is not known when the restaurateur will begin servings her prison sentence.
As for the 50 lashes, in the very conservative Muslim kingdom they are usually applied over a period of weeks or months.
The religious police have been caught on several occasions, harassing families and have been blamed for numerous fatal car crashes as they were chasing suspects who were not dressed appropriately, or not praying on time.