4-year-old triggers hotel implosion and story goes viral. Meet DJ Pitts, a 4-year-old patient from the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta, who made his dream come true by pushing the button to begin the implosion of a 19-story hotel in Atlanta. By the way, Pitts was dressed as a superhero and used his superpowers to make the hotel crumble to the ground.
4-year-old triggered hotel implosion dressed in a cape and Twitter explodes. On Saturday, DJ Pitts was an honorary staff member of Atlanta Demolition.
The little boy dressed in his favorite cape, surrounded by Spiderman, Batman and Catwoman was thrilled to push the button to begin the implosion.
Hundreds of people gathered to witness the demolition of the building that was located on North Druid Hills Road just off Interstate 85 in DeKalb County.
The 19-story hotel was built in 1971 and had 500 rooms including a conference center. It was later transformed into a training facility before it was eventually abandoned.
The hotel site will be the future home of Children’s Health Care of Atlanta’s administrative campus. The 4-year-old, who should be called “Demolition Boy,” has been in the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta for the past six months.
Pitts has been through numerous surgeries after he accidentally ingested engine cleaner that destroyed his esophagus and stomach. DJ has a fighting spirit and loves to wear a cape as he roams the hospital’s hallways, which gave staff members an idea – have Cape Day and let Pitts use his powers.
Steve Lange who works with CHOA said:
“He’s using his superpower strength.He’s going to help us blast down the building.He’s going to push the plunger that signals the demo of the building.”
But the truth is that Atlanta Demolition workers placed dozens of charges on six different floors to make the old hotel first come straight down, then topple just a bit toward I-85 to cut down on the dust and debris field, but don’t tell DJ that.
It took just under 20 seconds for the demolition of the hotel. Barry Roberts with Atlanta Demolition said that the implosion went off as planned.
It will take two moths to clean up all the debris. Below is a clip of the 4-year-old triggering the hotel implosion.
I always knew that kid in MO. wasn’t as innocent as everyone claimed he was! he had drugs in his system, and the parents knew this and didn’t want this info out in the public eye, well to late it will be in the papers tommrow!! {St. Louis area}and then people will see he wasn’t as innocent as they thought he was. I knew he was up to no good especially when he robs a liquor store and steals a box of cigars to make Blunts with, and he must of ran out earlier and also ran out of $$$ too, so he decides to rob a liquor store to get more blunts {a whole box of cigars at that}then these people want to riot and tear up their own town, that right there is just Plain Stupid!!
wayne, what in the world does all that have to do with this story of a 4-year old in Atlanta?!?
Do you not have anything going for yourself! you seem to be one of those hell bound edomite gentiles that try to bring down anyone it can to join it in hell! Get a life worthless gentile scum! There are far worst things you pig skinned people do! Meth heads like little boys, you sick bastards!
I think you are on the wrong thread. I can’t see a 4-year old robbing a store. Perhaps you are addressing the Ferguson, MO storyline?